Purchasing stocks of companies operating in different sectors
as well as segments are possible, which helps in optimizing the asset-allocation
and provides diversification.
Protection against
Over the years, ordinary shares are said to have won the
battle against inflation rate providing enough returns and growth.
Great Post Tax
Tax is another factor eating up gains, investing in ordinary
shares help you maintain the rate of returns on investments.
Ease of Access:
Updates and innovations in technology especially in the area
of Fintech is the reason, one gets the ease of access to stock markets with
considerable reliability. Input a few information asked from you by the
exchange and brokerage houses or mutual fund houses, and you are ready to
partner India’s growth story within a few seconds.
Invest in smaller
With mutual fund industries picking up in the last decade,
now investment is possible inequities with a very little amount via the
Systematic Investment Plan – SIP route of Mutual Funds.
Partnering in the
Nation’s Prosperity:
India is an emerging country, growing at a decent pace, with stock markets
there exists an opportunity to be a part of India’s growth story and profit
from it.
Value Investing: Equity Markets have the reference of
2 creatures – Bulls and Bears. The bull is when the markets are in an uptrend, and
Bears are when the markets are in a downtrend. Value Investing means buying or
holding the stocks at every bear or negative movement and selling at every
positive or bull movement and making profits on your investments.
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