Factors for Selecting a Mutual Fund 1) Investment Objective Investment objective refers to an investor’s financial goal which he/she aims to accomplish with the mutual fund investment. The investment objective can be any short-term or long-term financial aspiration of the investor – buying a house/car, financing children’s higher education, going on a vacation, retirement, etc. 2) Time Horizon The time horizon refers to the period for which an investor wishes to keep his/her money invested in a mutual fund scheme. It can be either as short as 1 day or as long as more than 5 years. Different fund categories work best for different time horizons. This is because some funds invest in shorter-dated debt and others invest in longer-dated debt. Equity funds should ideally be chosen if the investment horizon is more than 5 years. 3) Risk tolerance Risk tolerance refers to the amount of risk an investor is willing to take with his/her invested money. SEBI in 2015 made it...
Currency Trading Currency trading, often referred to as foreign exchange or Forex, is the purchasing and selling of currencies in the foreign exchange marketplace, done to make profits. It is referred to as 'speculative Forex trading.' Forex trading is the largest market in the world, with nearly $2 trillion traded daily, with quick growth projections. The main factor that differentiates currency trading from other types of trading is its liquidity. How Does the Forex Work? Currency trading is usually done through brokers and market makers. Investors who trade this way depend on the brokers to place a corresponding trade on the international market. For example, the currency exchange of US dollars to Jamaican dollars is US$1 = JA$114.59, so US$2,000 can earn the investor JA$229,180, who can then in turn reinvest. Forex trading occurs when the buying and selling of one currency for another takes place at the same time. Together, the two currencies form a currenc...